Saturday 19 September 2009

Council of Europe due to debate pro-abortion report on 2 October

I've just received the following alert from the European Centre for Law and Justice:

"On October 2nd, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe will vote on a pro-abortion report and resolution (Doc. 11992) “Fifteen years since the International Conference on Population and Development Programme of Action”, drafted by Ms Christine McCafferty, (UK Soc.) [pictured] from the Social, Health and Family Affairs Committee.

"This report encourages the Committee of Ministers to start developing a European convention on sexual and reproductive health, and to achieve universal access to sexual and reproductive health and rights by 2015." [According to the World Health Organisation's definition "sexual and reproductive health" services includes the provision of abortion on demand.]

"Here is its official Summary:

"'2009 is the fifteenth anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development Programme of Action; women, children and their families cannot wait any longer for the promises made fifteen years ago by leaders of 179 nations.'

"'The rapporteur thinks that funding for this programme must increase, sexual and reproductive rights must be upheld, and policies should respond to needs and not be coercive. Health systems must be strengthened, in order to improve lives and achieve the promises of the Millennium Development Goals, in particular, Goal 5 to improve maternal health.

"'A range of family planning, including emergency contraceptives, safe abortion, skilled birth attendants and obstetric emergency care, must be accessible, affordable, appropriate and acceptable to all, irrespective of age, community or country.'

"Within other aspects, the report acknowledges a connexion between climate change and population control.

"Link to the report:

Watch this space for advice from SPUC about how to take action against the report.

"This report will be voted in the context of the upcoming International Parliamentary Conference on the Implementation of the ICPD Programme of Action to be held in October 2009"

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