Saturday 12 September 2009

Polish bishops lead the way for Catholic politicians

The Polish bishops' conference have said that Catholic politicians who support abortion or another anti-life/anti-family practices risk excommunication, according to a report by

Commenting on the bishops' statement, Father Andrzej Rebacz, head of the Episcopate Council for Family Affairs and the National Chaplain for Families, warned of concerted attacks against life and family in Poland, adding that "These attacks include promotion of sex education at schools."

In an interview with Polkie Radio, Konrad Szymanski, a Polish member of the European Parliament (MEP) said:
"I've read the [bishops'] letter with great satisfaction because bishops reminded us the very simple truths that the obligation of conscience is much more important than any other obligation, including political obligations"
For anyone who truly realises the intrinsic value of human life, or how the right to life of all unborn children is protected by international human rights law, the matter is straightforward.

We must therefore remind politicians, Catholic or not, of those truths, lest they violate their consciences by voting or tolerating the killing of the innocent.

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