Saturday 14 November 2009

Top lawyers and former judges attack assisted suicide guidelines

What The Daily Telegraph today describes as an "unprecedented coalition" of "leading lawyers, peers and former judges" has warned that the “interim prosecuting policy” for assisted suicide from the director of public prosecutions (DPP) poses "serious dangers for public safety".  Read the story in full here as well as an excellent commentary by Lord Carlile (pictured), also in The Telegraph.

The consultation on the DPP guidelines closes in mid-December.  There's still time to order flyers from SPUC to alert the public to the dangers of these dangerously flawed guidelines which, according to Lord Carlile, "fly in the face of the principle that the law must afford equal protection to all, irrespective of age, sex race, religion and state of health", and, I would add, irrespective of disability. You can also order SPUC's briefing on making a submission to the DPP.  Write to me for leaflets (state quantity) or a briefing at

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