Tuesday 20 July 2010

"Unjust judge" is appointed to Irish Supreme Court

The Irish Independent reports today that former High Court judge Liam McKechnie (pictured) was last night appointed as a judge of the Supreme Court by President Mary McAleese at a ceremony at Aras an Uachtarain.

Here's a man who, Pat Buckley tells us, had the temerity to describe a disabled baby at the centre of a case on which he ruled as "an aberration of nature".

He reminds me of the kind of judge Jesus had in mind in the parable of the unjust judge "who neither feared God nor had respect for people".

 May God judge him more mercifully than he appears to judge the disabled.

There's more worrying news about the Irish Supreme Court in Pat Buckley's post today.  The Irish government and government officials are steadily seeking to advance the culture of death in Ireland. I've no doubt that good Irish citizens will continue to do everything in their power to resist such advances.

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