Thursday 15 December 2011

Dutch pro-lifers say: campaign for abortion abolition, not stricter rules

The annual Dutch March for Life took place on Saturday 10 December to commemorate the passing of the Pregnancy Termination Law, passed on 18 December 1980, which allows for abortion on demand in Holland up to the 24th week of pregnancy.

It is estimated that 1,400 people took part in the march, which is almost double last year's attendance.

The event was organised by the pro-life group Cry for Life. Dr Bert P. Dorenbos, President of Cry for Life and the chief organiser of the march, said:
"We're not going for stricter rules, but we are called to advocate the abolition of abortion."
Dr Dorenbos’s comment is particularly applicable to the UK and misguided parliamentary moves, e.g. trying to lower the 24-week upper time-limit on most social abortions.

It is greatly encouraging to see the development of a vibrant and active movement for life in the Netherlands.

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