Monday 25 June 2012

Queensland proves that we can 'turn back the clock' on the homosexual agenda

G.K. Chesterton, the famous Catholic apologist
"challenges the saying that you can't turn back the hands of time: a clock, Chesterton writes, is a mechanical mechanism, and so you only have to move the hands back with your finger to wherever you like! Human society, he said, is also a construction. Humans have the power, as sub-creators, to transform a society. We are not doomed. If something is wrong with the world, then we set out to make it right." 
(Fr Ian Boyd of the Chesterton Institute, Zenit, 14 Sept. 2010)

The Australian state of Queensland has proven Chesterton right: last week its legislature voted to downgrade same-sex civil partnerships and to remove access by same-sex couples to surrogacy arrangements. So let's take heart from Queensland and keep fighting against the homosexual agenda in the UK until victory for marriage and the family is won.

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